Frequently Asked Questions

Need help or have any questions? Check out our FAQs or reach out to us directly here.

Enter online or by mail-in entry form here. Online entry requires using a credit card and printing out entry form and mailing labels; use the printable mail-in entry form below to pay by check or money order in U.S. funds.

Authors, illustrators, publishers, and self-publishers around the world who write and publish in English may enter.

Learn more about our guidelines here

Learn more about our fees here

Gold, silver, and bronze medals will be awarded in each category. Each medal-winning book receives a packet including the medal, a certificate, and 20 foil award seals. The award is designed as a marketing tool, so we hope the most valuable aspect of the award is its promotional value and as a sales aid.

Include your online registration receipt or completed entry form and check (in U.S. funds) with your books, unless they are shipped directly from a distributor. Submission Requirements: Submit one copy of the title per category entered eBook files (PDF only please) can be uploaded after entry or sent as a gift from your distributor to with your order number in the subject line. Audiobooks must be entered as a gift from your platform of choice (please do not send files). Entries and gifts can be sent to with your order number in the subject line. All books submitted become the property of Jenkins Group and will eventually be donated to local libraries or charities. E-book files will be deleted after judging and announcement of results. Judges will only see the book itself, so please don’t send any press kits, reviews, bookmarks, etc.

Learn more about our guidelines here

Yes, entrants can send their books directly from Amazon or any other warehouse/distributor to:

Living Now Awards 1129 Woodmere Ave. Suite B, Traverse City, MI 49686. We will be able to match your book to your entry in our system.

Judging will be based on content, originality, design, and production quality, with emphasis on innovation and creativity. Our judging panel includes experts from the fields of editing, design, reviewing, bookselling and library.

We will confirm your entry via email and send judging updates and results announcements by email as well, so submission of a valid email address is mandatory. Please inform us of any email address changes or additional contacts you’d like added to our contest update list.

Thank you for your interest in being featured!

To get started, simply fill out our quick form here. This will help us get to know you better and showcase your work in the best possible light.

We charge entry fees to pay for administering the awards, including everything from storage space and shipping (to judges and winner’s packets) to living wages for our staff.

Ready to enter?